AP 960: Environmental Considerations



The Superintendent is committed to providing education programs and fostering administrative procedures and processes that are intended to protect and preserve the environment.


1. Division staff shall endeavour to purchase "environmentally friendly" products in order to provide the highest possible level of performance.

2. Division staff shall endeavour to operate Division facilities and equipment in the most efficient manner with consideration for safety and comfort: notably,

2.1. Efficient use of energy or water shall be considerations for renovations, new construction, and operations;

2.2. Employees shall practice energy conservation measures; and

2.3. The Director of Facilities Services shall monitor energy and water consumption.

3. Division staff shall reduce, recycle and responsibly dispose of waste materials in all schools and departments.

4. Teachers shall incorporate environmental education into the content and methodology of instructional programming, where prudent to do so.

5. Division staff shall promote local habitat conservation and improvement on all Divisionowned properties, where possible and prudent to do so; and

6. All new school facilities and major modernization projects shall be certified to a minimum Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver rating.



Date Approved: September 11, 2019

Education Act: 33, 52, 68, 197, 225
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Public Health Act 

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.